Monday, November 16, 2009

Kerri Fivecoat-Campbell will present"Write What You Know"
workshop Saturday, January 16, 2209 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Cost $10.00.
To register by January 8th, send your name, mailing address
or email with ten dollars to:

Mary Nida Smith
162 Stamford Dr
Lakeview, AR 72642

Kerri is a former adjunct professor at Johnson County
College in the Kansas City area, where she wrote curriculum
for writing classes, and taught and facilitated writing groups
for six years.

Kerri has been published in Mother Earth News,Grit, Entrepreneur magazine, Arkansas Life,,, and and many, many other publications. She is the author of "No Immediate Threat": The Story of an American Veteran.

You can learn more at

The Writer magazine February 2009 issue has several articles on "Write what you know." People have become authors and freelance writers by writing about their experiences and lifestyles.

Authors who register are welcome to sell their books.

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